Family Learning

Homeschooling, a necessity these days*
Homeschooling, a necessity these days

There is nothing parents enjoy so much as being asked impossible questions by their children - especially when those questions involve abstruse problems in mathematics or the capital cities of unheard of countries!

It might be thought, therefore, that Family Learning, which encourages parents to get involved in their child's homework, was onto a loser right from the start. In fact, the programme is a very interesting one, for not only are parents encouraged to help with the homework, they are given help and support and best of all, at the end of it, they end up with a qualification themselves!

If you have children of school age (or grandchildren of school age!) this film is a must, so set Kathy's phone ringing as you rush to get involved

If this programme is still running, it might be a life-line for parents forced to teach their children at home because of the recent pandemic.