Small School

The building still offers Christian child care and a youth club
The building still offers Christian child care and a youth club

Parents in many countries are dissatisfied with the state school system for a variety of reasons: it may not reflect - or even be opposed to - their religious beliefs, it may not provide a high enough standard for their child's abilities, it may even be failing to discipline the pupils properly, thus allowing bullying, drug use or other anti-social behaviour.

The solution is to start your own school, but many parents are horrified at the mere thought, considering that such a task would be far too difficult. Well, here's the story of a group of parents in the little town of Mold who took the plunge and are running a very successful small school.

I don't know whether this school is still running; it may be that the children grew up and went to university and so the school emptied. However the building is still a Christian centre offering a youth club and other child-centred activities.