Just watched your Gezer video. Just to say I thought it was brilliant
and answered some questions I have had. God bless you in your work.
Fida and the fire-proof fence
Thanks Ken - a delightful film. Never having visited your TV site
before I must say that I enjoyed some of the other items also.
Sun Centre
I just enjoyed your clip on the Sun Centre, has that place been
around a while? I don't recall seeing it last time I was in Rhyl.
Anyway looks like quite a place. Keep up your travel section I
like reading about the towns around Clwyd.
This is a big thank you for the support and appreciation that you
have shown for the 'kids group' and their song 'Rejoice'. It has
been a source of great encouragement for them to see the video on
the web and to pass it on to their friends interested in their
We cannot thank you all enough for you support.
Dawn, Debi, Geoff & Diane and their kids
St Govan's
I happened across your site while looking for information on St.
Govan's chapel. Hours sped by as I enjoyed your film clips, and
now I am writing to say thank you for making such interesting
stories available at no cost. My husband and I enjoy travelling
in the UK and always are looking for sights a bit off the beaten
track. You've given us much to look forward to on future visits.
I've also travelled in Israel and enjoyed seeing your stories set
there. Please keep up the fine work.
Judith, California